09/29/2021 - Site is under construction.
10/16/2021 - The domain "studioraichu.com" is bought. Thanks, Joe!
10/22/2021 - New pages are added.
10/23/2021 - Site is released and got a lot of views.
10/25/2021 - Internal changes are made to the site.
10/25/2021 - Hosting has moved to Netlify.
11/08/2021 - "Gallery" page is added.
01/08/2022 - Gallery, About, and Blog pages are removed.
Archive page is added.
04/11/2023 - Site is at studioraichu.net now. I am slowly updating it. It's difficult to work on anything.
07/29/2023 - I have plans to update the site's appearance and more.
11/24/2023 - Site is finally being rewritten, with a new style. Now it'll be compatible with grandpa's SE/30!
11/28/2023 - Yay! Cool new look out! AND a Blog!